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Humanism, Humanities, and Humanity

To me, Humanism uses the Humanities to help Humanity.  (That’s an original as far as I know.)  With that definition, I would like to present two quotes from the humanities, history and literature, and use them together to try to develop some compassion for the vulnerables in our present-day society.

George Santayana, a philosopher, essayist, poet and novelist is quoted as saying, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”  Read more about Humanism, Humanities, and Humanity »

I Don't Want to be Labelled a "Humanist"

What is a label but a gauzy screen hiding the reality and truth giving us impressions rather than distinctions?  Labels only obfuscate issues and allow for miscommunications when communications are most important.  Labels are good for broad-brush descriptions or discussions from the “50,000 foot level”.  What does the label “Humanist” mean to different people if not different concepts?  I cannot know that a person to whom I am speaking knows the definition according to the American Humanist Associatio Read more about I Don't Want to be Labelled a "Humanist" »