Help Us Tell MA Gov. Deval Patrick & Melissa Rogers: Healing Must Be For Everyone

Please read, sign and share this petition, hosted at Groundswell:

Help Us Tell MA Gov. Deval Patrick & Melissa Rogers: Healing Must Be For Everyone

The Boston Marathon bombing was an event that effected all Americans, so there was no justification for excluding the representatives of the Harvard Humanists and the Secular Coalition for Massachusetts who asked to be included. Given that one fifth of the population is non-religious and that President Obama was there representing our secular government, there should have been a place made for the Humanist and atheist community. 


About Maria

Maria's picture
Maria is on the CAH steering committee and the outreach subcommittee. Maria is a web developer who lives in Massachusetts with her husband, their three busy kids and assorted pets. Recently, Maria also became the part-time Executive Director of the UU Humanist Association (formerly called HUUmanists).

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