Posted on January 25, 2018 by Pat

It is hard to even keep track of all the confusing myths on global warming that circulate, let alone respond and point out errors. Result is that perpetrators of this fake news get away with misleading the public.
How many of us are exposed, even among friends and relatives, to information we know is wrong, but are not able to respond because we have not studied the problem deeply enough?
Recently a friend alerted me to a reference that helps n global warming. I highly recommend the on-line reference: Skeptical Science;
The really interesting page on the site summarizes 197 mythical "arguments" and provides the factual information to set the story straight, at various depths to suit the discussion.
A few days ago, I attended a talk by Bill McKibben, internationally known environmental activist, author, educator, and founder of If you Google Bill McKibben climate , you will see good reasons why we need to move now, toward 100 percent renewable power. We are fast running out of time. On the day I listened to him he had presented 5 talks within the previous 24 hours, and then was going to drive over 200 miles to his home in Vermont. He was very persuasive, and inspiring, to an audience of about 450 people in Concord, Mass.
I believe we have two major problems, that if not resolved, may deeply impact our way of life. They are: 1. Global warming, and 2. Global Escalating Inequality.
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