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UUA General Assembly

The Unitarian Universalist  General Assembly was last week.  As usual there was an active UU HUUmanist booth. I know the formation of new local Humanist groups is being encouraged by the UU HUUmanist leaders, as by the American Humanist Association leaders.  Read more about UUA General Assembly »

Into a Post-Theological Age

David Niose, in his article "The Post-Theological Umbrella," in New Humanist, January/February 2008, cited a friend suggesting we could improve the attractiveness of Humanism by moving into the post-theological age, by avoiding the old theological terms such as Atheist, Non Theist, God, etc. "When people ask me about atheism," she said, "I just tell them I consider myself post-theological." Read more about Into a Post-Theological Age »

CAH Beginnings

The Concord Area Humanists got started early in 2009. Several friends who are members of the Unitarian Universalist First Parish in Concord advertised their intent to start the group and, on a snowy Thursday, January 8th, 46 people attended the "Founding Meeting".

Read more about CAH Beginnings »
