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Skeptical Science

It is hard to even keep track of all the confusing myths on global warming that circulate, let alone respond and point out errors. Result is that perpetrators of this fake news get away with misleading the public.

How many of us are exposed, even among friends and relatives, to information we know is wrong, but are not able to respond because we have not studied the problem deeply enough?

Recently a friend alerted me to a reference that helps n global warming. I highly recommend the on-line reference: Skeptical Science; Read more about Skeptical Science »

Congratulations Ellery Schempp, Co-chair of the new Secular Coalition for Massachusetts

We would like to congratulate Ellery Schempp, one our CAH steering committee members, for his appointment as co-chair of the newly formed Secular Coalition for Massachusetts, along with our friend Zachary Bos. This state chapter of the national Secular Coalition for America seeks to carry out the organization's mission on the state level. According to their website: Read more about Congratulations Ellery Schempp, Co-chair of the new Secular Coalition for Massachusetts »

Secular Woman

A new organization was launched today -- Secular Woman. According to their press release:

"The mission of Secular Woman is to amplify the voice, presence, and influence of non-religious women."

The group already has a clearly articulated vision,  set of value statements and a set of programs and resources planned to accomplish their mission. All of these are available on a well-designed website and a Facebook group. Read more about Secular Woman »